2018年7月11日に開催されたOutbrain社によるパブリッシャーサミットに、今年はTRENDEMONも登壇致しました。コンテンツマーケティング領域におけるアトリビューション解析ツールのTRENDEMONとして国内のメディア様向けに今回はPVだけでない新たな価値指標となるAttentive Audience(アテンティブオーディエンス) を発表させて頂きました。
“Over 90% of content that companies produce is ineffective at driving business goals”. This was from Avishai Sharon, our CEO here at Trendemon, in his recent interview with ILTV about our product. Capturing only 10% of the market is a tremendous waste of resources, so why waste them? How can you capture more engagement from […]
今年、アメリカで開催されたContent Marketing World 2018 主催のコンテンツマーケティングワールド2018のRecapイベントにTRENDEMON JAPANとしてジョインさせて頂くことになりました!
When I talk to content marketers about business goals and ROI – I often find that they take on the look of a deer in the headlights. Of course, that’s a problem that needs to be solved. But most people think the solution is to just force performance goals onto the content team. That ignores […]
この度、TrendDemonが東京オフィスを開設することになりました! Outbrain,、Amana、 Treasure Data、 GumGumなどのテクノロジー企業様がご出席のキックオフイベントで、弊社 CEO Avishai Sharonとカスタマーサクセス&オペレーションVP Halel Poratが日本での営業活動を正式にキックオフさせました。
Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting at Content Marketing Conference in Boston. While I really enjoyed sharing some new concepts and ideas with the attendees, I enjoyed the sessions even more. One of the unique things about this conference is that the keynotes are all about the intersection of content marketing and comedy, which makes […]
We took on quite a big challenge a few months back. We decided to survey marketers to really understand their needs and preferences and to get a full picture of what content marketing looks like in 2018. This, combined with the data we see daily on our platform can really help uncover some interesting insights. We’ll be […]
When a new customer starts using our product, I always ask them the same question: “What is your main pain point? What insights are you hoping to discover? Many of them answer that they would like to know what the typical journey is for all the users that convert. In the beginning, this made sense to me: […]
Outbrain is a native advertising platform that helps advertisers get their content discovered through recommendation units on publishers’ websites. More than 35,000 websites carry Outbrain’s promoted articles, while the company delivers more than 275 billion recommendations and one billion users each month. Our partnership with Outbrain started a little over a year ago with a small test […]
We understand how important it is for our customers to see the impact of their sources and campaigns on their business goals so that they’re able to evaluate the effectiveness of their ad spend and invest in sources that work the best. To make that process easier, we’ve updated our “Insight Sources” report to show you the true impact […]
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